Friday, March 22, 2013

Dyslexia: Phonics Alphabet A-Z Sounds for Children - Video

This video from teaches the actual phonic sounds of the alphabet from A to Z.

The Role of Phonology 
In the world of dyslexia, it is necessary to return again and again to the very basics of phonics and “sounding out” words – even in adulthood, since reading fluency is often a lifelong problem.

The place to start is to learn the alphabet, not by the names of the letters, but by the sounds they make. Songs and videos with a phonetic alphabet like the one above are widely available.

The next step is to practice saying and memorize the most common words in the English language.

About 50% of all written material is made up of the 100 most frequent words, so reading fluency depends on learning words such as “the,” “no,” “on,” “like” and “open.”

For longer words, a student must learn to break down words into semantic or syntactic chunks. For example, an ending of “-s” or “-es” signifies a plural noun or a third person singular verb.

A prefix of “un-” indicates some type of negative meaning. If a person can learn to read and understand part of a word, then the rest of the word can be dissected, too.

Latin is sometimes recommended to high school students with dyslexia, because every word in a Latin sentence must be broken down into prefix, stem, infix and suffix to unlock the meaning.

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