Monday, October 17, 2011

Dr Ron Minson: Integrated Listening

Ron Minson, MD had tried all the educational/medical solutions available and was still not able to help their daughter overcome the depression which resulted from a lifetime of dyslexia.

Dr. Minson’s background was traditional medicine– but the urgency of the situation led him to try something new.

The therapy showed signs of success within weeks and by the end of the 3-month program his daughter’s reading and organizational abilities had improved significantly.

More importantly, the depression which had held her back for years finally lifted

Based on clinically proven outcomes, iLs programs strengthen existing pathways and create new neural connections/pathways in the brain (“neuroplasticity”).

As these neurological connections grow stronger, language skills and emotional/psychological functions, such as self-confidence and regulation, also tend to improve.

The improvements in brain function are based on the premise that our higher brain functions – the “cortical functions” such as language, cognitive skills, socialization – rely and depend upon how well sensory input is received and processed as it enters the central nervous system and is relayed to the upper brain. iLs improves processing at both the sub-cortical and cortical levels.

iLs has a global effect on the brain and central nervous system, influencing the following systems: balance, visual, auditory, motor, coordination, behavior and emotional regulation. As a result, it is successfully implemented for a wide variety of conditions:
  • Learning difficulties such as reading, spelling, math, auditory processing and attention
  • Sensory processing and integration
  • Stress, sleep, emotional regulation and mood problems
  • Those with autism and neuro-developmental difficulties

Find out more about ILS here on their website

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